What is embolus??

Embolus is an intravascular solid,liquid or gaseous mass that is carried by the blood from its point of origin to a distant site.

Classified embolus/Types of embolus

a) On the basis of composition:

  1. Solid:
  • Thromboembolism
  • Droplets of fats ( occurs in bone fracture)
  • Atherosclerotic debris ( cholesterol  emboli) 
  • Tumor fragments.
  • Fragment of bone or bone marrow.
  • Foreign bodies, such as bullets, silk.
  • Parasites.
    2.Liquid: Amniotic fluid.
    3. Gaseous : Bubbles of air or N2.
b). On the basis of pregence of infection :
  1. Bland / aspectic embolism.
  2. Septic/infected embolism.
c)  According to location :
  1. Arterial embolism
  2. Venous embolism
  3. Lymphatic embolism
What is embolism??

Embolism is intravascular solid, liquid  or gaseous mass that is carried by the blood from its point of origin to a distant site,  where it often causes tissue dysfunction or infraction.
Or, Embolism is the formation of n embolus with its impaction within the blood vessels and its consequences.

Different types of embolism
  1. Pulmonary thromboembolism
  2. Systemic thromboembolism
  3. Fat embolism
  4. Air embolism 
  5. Amniotic embolism.
    <table border="2">
<td>Thrombosis is the process of formation of thrombus within non interrupted cardiovascular system from the constituents of atremming blood.</td>
<td>Embolism is an imtravascular solid,liquid or gaseous mass that is carried by the blood from its point of origin to a distant site ,where it often causes tissue dysfunction or infraction.</td></tr> <tr>
      <td>Constituents of stremming blood</td>
<td>Constituents of stremminy blood or other substence s ,example :air,fat etc.</td></tr>
        <td>Remains at the site of origin </td>
        <td>Travels away from the site of origin </td></tr><tr><td>Attachment</td><td>Attached to the vessels wall </td><td>Free floating</td></tr>

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